Our History

Greenwood Cancer Fund was founded by Mr. E.L. Caldecott over 50 years ago to provide assistance for those with cancer who find they lack the resources needed to cover recovery costs.

Since then, GCF has evolved into an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with the mission of aiding diagnosed cancer patients who live or work in Greenwood County.

We assist with purchasing cancer-related medications, medical and/or nutritional supplies, help to obtain medical equipment, and provide transportation assistance. Not every client receives all of these services, but once approved, each client is provided with aid based on individual needs as long as funds are available.

Greenwood Cancer Fund History

How to Apply

Any cancer patient of limited income who lives or works in Greenwood County can apply for assistance through Greenwood Cancer Fund.

  • Contact Greenwood Cancer Fund through phone or email to start the application process.
  • Complete the financial application with all required documentation.
  • GCF reviews the application to verify proof of income and need of assistance.
  • Once approved, clients become eligible for financial assistance based on individual needs.

Many clients are referred to GCF from medical centers. If you know someone who may benefit from our services, please encourage them to reach out.

Our Funding

Greenwood Cancer Fund has an investment account that provides some of our operational funds. We also raise funds through grants from agencies such as United Way and Greenwood Women Care.

Additionally, fundraisers and individual donations provide crucial funding for our mission. Resources have been stretched since the pandemic, so every contribution, no matter how big or small, is helpful and deeply appreciated.

Contact Us

If you have questions about our services, need assistance, or want to contribute to our mission, please don't hesitate to contact us.


PO Box 612
Greenwood, SC 29648